The leaves and flowers are out and there is a green fresh feel outside and a seasonal spaciousness too. Although many of us are being inside more, there is still a different feel and atmosphere indoors coming from the change in the season, that if you slow down and notice you can really connect with. See if you can write even just literally a few words about it, here is some inspiration:

Liogjht flowing in, heart opening

Flowery Dale

Narrowly a trail
Fades away into the flowers
Blooming in the dale

-Haiku by Fukoku

vast undulating waves
of being,

above, magnolia flowers
throwing open a way far beyond
into a new vista
of scoured whites and deep blue

light pouring in
heart opening

-three short ones by Shogen (Blair)

Spring brings surprises…
birdsong, sun showers, delight.
A fox’s wedding!


Thank you Laura for your lively haiku poem full of nature and happiness! We love your friendly (and slightly mischievous looking) fox with bushy tail which you have brushed nicely in ink ???❤️

Spring Haiku poem by Ken

Sunlight slants across the roof
seagulls call
cat to the window

Thank you, Ken ??

This peaceful poem is from Annabel

silence in the streets 
no church bells ringing today 
everyone is at home 

Thank you Annabel ??

More of us are being at home now, so we are bringing you some regular fun and relaxing activities – Creative Time – to encourage you to have some creative enjoyment and stay in touch!

It would be great if you would like to send us an image of anything you make, for us to show online if possible, please either 1. post on our Facebook page or 2. email us your image.

Creative Time