Relaxing, Meditating, Creating
Relaxation or Meditation and Creativity
Settle down and feel grounded, try some meditation and relaxation suited to you. The practices we work with are known to have many benefits such as helping with anxiety, stress or repetitive thoughts. And if you like let’s be creative and carefree – making what feels natural and enjoying the process in a deeper connected way, without any worry about the result.
We offer One to One sessions with artist and meditator Blair, as well as groups. Please read more info below.
Interested in meditation?
Are you interested in how connection with meditation – such as mindfulness or zen approaches to everyday life – can help us really enjoy our life more, feel less scattered, and create a sense of spaciousness and ease that also benefits others? And from this positive space allows curiosity or creativity to develop?
Our everyday life can often seem so difficult and bothered by thoughts and circumstances, have you tried ways to deal with this but found it a struggle? Finding the right meditation practice or practices with support can help you find a healthy settled balance in life.
Do you want to feel more embodied and less attached to thoughts?
We believe creativity is best accomplished in a happy expansive body which is not aspiring or grasping for particular gains, but can enjoy feeling and joyful freedom.
What is creativity?
So what is creativity? We don’t see it in the usual way, as something a professional musician or artist demonstrates on stage or in a gallery for instance. It is not reliant or skill or presentation – it is something everyone has, and is an essential aspect of who we are as human beings. Expression can take many forms.
As well as a friendly artist Blair is an experienced meditator who first started in his teens encouraged by his grandfather. He practiced through art school, and found later that meditation and interconnectedness with nature were intertwined with his creative process.
Blair is a kind listener and is comforting when you need that, always giving space and time, and enjoying helping others. You will feel safe to confide in him about your interests and any worries or uncertainty you have. Any questions you have or guidance you need, Blair will help you.

“Meditation and idea of bringing your/my immediate experience of my body & the outdoors in my body was new & very present. I always wanted to do something with ink. This was completely different and very interesting”
Wiston Lodge, Biggar

Unwind and feel grounded
By practicing with various groups and teachers over the years, Blair has developed a range of approaches, from more ‘inner’ deeper meditative methods through to ‘outer’ more accessible sensory and physical approaches.

Here are some things Blair can support you with:
- ways to relax and destress
- to find ways that are comfortable and work for you
- dislodging difficult attachment to thoughts – through meditative and or creative practice
- try out and learn different meditation methods
- connecting to your senses and body such as listening and touch
- connection with your surroundings, nature, grounding yourself
- mindful breathing
- bringing joy and life to the creative process
- expressing yourself
- tapping into creativity
- feel soothed by exploring art materials and artistic approaches, find spontaneity naturally
- use sound from nature or the body to relax and channel energy and creativity
- chat and feel supported about your experience
In particular Blair has grown experience that he can share with you (depending on your needs or interest), in areas such as:
- Glasgow Zen group – zazen and other zen practices
- Mindfulness (to advanced level with Glasgow Vihara), Vipassana and body scan
- TM (Transcendental Meditation) and mantras
- Gentle bodywork and stretching combined with meditation
- Shaman journeying (drumming) and outdoor art practice – with Margaret Kerr
- Mindful arts practices
- Qigong practice and meditation – with Karen Welch
- Japanese arts practices
- Short poetry (like Haiku)
- Soto Zen monastery practice in Japan – practices such as chanting, meditation, eating meditation
Join our groups and classes
We hold regular groups and classes, please have a look at our Events and Art groups page.

About Blair
Blair Thomson is a skilled and versatile artist who has exhibited widely (from U.K. to U.S. to Japan) and tutored many individuals and groups since graduation in 2002. At Glasgow School of Art he was traditionally trained in drawing and painting, before going on to study various approaches with other teachers. He has curated exhibitions and been part of public exhibition selection, so he has a wealth of experience to tap into.
Moreover Blair is a kind listener and always enjoys helping others with their artwork. You will feel safe to confide in him about your interests and any worries or uncertainty you have. Any questions you have or guidance you need, Blair will help you.

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