
Experiments outside with Suibokuga Japanese landscape painting with Margaret Kerr

Experiments outside with Suibokuga Japanese landscape painting with Margaret Kerr

Margaret and Blair walked to the river North of Lenzie and found a sheltered peaceful spot next to a small weir, ideal for setting up for Suibokuga 水墨画 water and ink landscape painting. We used 顔彩 gansai paint sets with fude brushes and cut bamboo… Read More »Experiments outside with Suibokuga Japanese landscape painting with Margaret Kerr

Being with the season changing – Autumn into Winter

Being with the season changing – Autumn into Winter

It was a peaceful journey to Lenzie along the quiet paths and roads. When we arrived we found inspiring examples by Margaret of ink markmaking using a branch or twig from each of the varied types of trees in the grounds. Birch, Plum, Alder, Rowan,… Read More »Being with the season changing – Autumn into Winter

Meditation and calm at Brushing Fire

Meditation and calm at Brushing Fire

We started the day at Lenzie with a chat about the shared cultural connections around the five elements, particularly through the Himalayan area, from India, Tibet to China and Japan. We looked at the variety of meanings as well as the different approaches of the… Read More »Meditation and calm at Brushing Fire

Drawing Trees day at Lenzie

Drawing Trees day at Lenzie

It was a peaceful yet creative day led by Margaret and Blair, with a super group of folk who enjoyed getting to know the trees and forest. We began small in the morning with some relaxed doodly pieces followed by a mindful visual exploration of… Read More »Drawing Trees day at Lenzie

Listening to the wind, tasting the air, drawing on the mountain

Listening to the wind, tasting the air, drawing on the mountain

On the slopes of Ben Challuim, near Crianlarich at the North of the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park, we walked and looked at the textures and colours of the vista and the hill paths, rocks and flora beneath our feet. The colours were amazing… Read More »Listening to the wind, tasting the air, drawing on the mountain

winter art walk glasgow

Winter textures – art walk in Glasgow

Generally zooming with our cameras and peering into bushes and next to the pine needles, we engaged with the soft and varied textures of the magical snowy world, continuing to walk along the canal.

winter art walk glasgow

Winter pattern – art walk in Glasgow

We slowly walked through the snow up river along the River Kelvin and up by the frozen Forth and Clyde Canal. In these wintry photographs we were looking for pattern and shapes, also observing the angles and movement in our compositions.

Skybrush Earthbrush

Skybrush Earthbrush

It was super to be asked by Margaret Kerr to her inspiring place in Lenzie to work with her on this one day retreat combining meditation, outdoor walking and mindful practice with Shodo calligraphy. We began the day with a chat about the theme –… Read More »Skybrush Earthbrush

Rock and wood rubbings with lead and pastel

Rumbling Bridge rubbing edit 2 from Drawing and Painting Studio on Vimeo. Graphite sticks and oil pastels are ideal for doing the rubbings (more eloquently termed frottage!), picking up all the fine textures, some like a half hidden language in the rock and bark. Feeling… Read More »Rock and wood rubbings with lead and pastel

Art Walk in the depths of Birnam Forest

We walked in the big tree country from Dunkeld and Birnam train station, gradually moving up by the Hermitage and its towering tree garden to the really Rumbling Bridge over the River Braan. Then we headed along the open hillside and back through dense and… Read More »Art Walk in the depths of Birnam Forest