Over the last few weeks and months there have been such a variety of different cloud shapes and colours in the sky, here are some sky themed snapshots we have taken, mostly over the north and west of Glasgow.
Please send us your photos of skies that you have looked at. They might inspire us to draw from them or write a few words too.
Even on an overcast wet day it can be soothing as well to look out the window at passing clouds, with a momentary glimpse of a seagull or duck if we’re lucky!
shaken by rain and wind from purple clouds
glittering green tree tops dance freely
buffeted sand martins dart, roll and dive above us
Your photograph below has a tranquil and settled mood Joan, thanks for sending this sunset photo from British Columbia. ??
Thanks Alan for these dramatic and peaceful wide open photos of the West Coast of Scotland, as well as in the quiet sanctuary of a spacious Glasgow park. Some pictures below are from Sanna Bay looking towards the islands of Muck, Eigg and Rum.
Mark, thanks for the lovely colourful photos, we feel transported to places we love but haven’t been able to get to during the lockdown. These summery pictures are from around Glasgow and Crieff, thanks also to your family for sending some 🙂
Elaine, love your inspiring sky photos and artworks – really magical and full of energy and drama!! Thanks a lot for sharing these. It’s great how you have so much variety to your artworks ?
Fascinating, uplifting and curious skyscapes from Margaret, the glowing lights really pull us in. The locations are to the north of Glasgow and from the silvery waters of Loch Lomond! Thank you.
More of us are being at home now, so we are bringing you some regular fun and relaxing activities – Creative Time – to encourage you to have some creative enjoyment and stay in touch!
It would be great if you would like to send us an image of anything you make, for us to show online if possible, please either 1. post on our Facebook page or 2. email us your image.
This project is kindly supported by Glasgow Connected Arts Network
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